
AWS DevOps Interview Questions

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AWS is a cloud-calculating platform that offers users a wide range of services, including storage, computing, and networking. It's one of the most popular cloud platforms on request, and its fashionability is only adding as further businesses move to the cloud.  AWS is getting a significant focus on DevOps engineer jobs worldwide, and EPAM Anywhere is no exception to that trend.

What are the main questions that can be asked during the interview?

As DevOps includes various components, it becomes easier for the interviewer to draft questions. A variety of questions can be asked while you are appearing in the interview as a DevOps engineer. Let’s take a look at some of the expected questions.

What are the reasons for using DevOps?

When asked this question, I always like to name the main reasons promoted by AWS itself. Numerous of these reasons are harmonious with DevOps culture and its beginning principles.   

  • Get started fast: Each AWS service is ready to be used without any former configuration.  
  • Completely managed services: This allows you to concentrate solely on your product rather than on making former configurations work with your product.  
  • Built for scale: This has become elemental with today's technologies.  
  • Programmable: This allows us to automate and replicate our processes.  
  • Automation: This provides us with services concentrated especially on reducing process times.  

This allows the DevOps culture to completely acclimate to a cloud provider like AWS while also enabling companies to make products faster and more reliably by hiring DevOps engineers skilled in this provider's services. 

Name the key components of AWS applied in DevOps.

Each AWS service is designed to work based on the DevOps culture. Still, the most important ones to punctuate are those that allow a healthy CI/ CD system, including AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy, and AWS CodeStar. 

What is AWS CodePipeline?

AWS CodePipeline is a nonstop integration and delivery service for fast, dependable operation and structure updates. CodePipeline automates your release process's build, test, and deploy phases every time a code changes based on the release model you define. 

Which languages and frameworks are compatible with AWS CodeBuild?

AWS CodeBuild provides preconfigured surroundings for supported performances of Java, Ruby, Python, Go,Node.js, Android, NET Core, PHP, and Docker. To customize your terrain, you can produce and upload a Docker image to the Amazon EC2 Container Registry or the Docker Central registry and source this custom image in your figure design. 

Explain the concept of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and its implementation in AWS.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) manages provisioning and calculating structure through machine-readable configuration lines. In AWS, IaC can be executed using services like AWS CloudFormation and the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). 

What is Amazon ECS, and how is it used in DevOps?

Amazon ECS( Elastic Container Service) is a wholly managed container symmetry service that enables you to run and scale containerized operations. In DevOps, ECS manages container lifecycles, automates deployment, and guarantees high operational accessibility. 

How do containers communicate in Kubernetes?

There are three ways containers can communicate with each other.

  • Through the local and the port number exposed by the other container.  
  • Through a cover’s IP address.  
  • Through a service with an IP address and generally a DNS name. 

Describe a typical CI/CD pipeline using AWS services

A typical CI/ CD channel using AWS services might include.

  • Source Stage: Using AWS CodeCommit or GitHub as the source depository.  
  • Build Stage: Using AWS CodeBuild to collect the law and run tests.  
  • Test Stage: Planting the erected operation to a test terrain using AWS CodeDeploy or AWS Elastic Beanstalk.  
  • Deploy Stage: Using AWS CodeDeploy or AWS Elastic Beanstalk to place the operation on the product.  
  • Monitor Stage: Using AWS CloudWatch to cover the stationed operation and ensure it runs quickly. 

What is AWS OpsWorks, and how does it compare to AWS CloudFormation?

AWS OpsWorks is a configuration operation service that provides managed cases of Chef and Puppet and automation platforms that allow you to use code to automate your servers' configurations. While CloudFormation defines structure as code, OpsWorks focuses more on configuration operation and deployment automation. 

Can you explain the concept of blue-green deployment and how it can be implemented in AWS?

Blue-green deployment is a technique that reduces time-out and threat by running two identical product environments, only one of which (the blue) serves live product business. When deploying a new version of your operation, you deploy it to the green environment. Once deployed and tested, you switch the business routing from blue to green. AWS services like Route 53 and ELB can facilitate this business switching. 

What is the main difference between Terraform and CloudFormation?

Terraform is a tool from Hashicorp, and CloudFormation is from AWS. When comparing the two, it’s essential to realize that, unlike Terraform, CloudFormation is not open source and follows an Amazon roadmap of features. Terraform is cloud-agnostic. It provides users with quite a bit of flexibility, and Terraform can be used for any type of resource that can be interacted with via API. 

Extra tips for passing an AWS DevOps interview

Several things are essential at the time of an interview.   

  • Be honest with each of your answers. It isn't necessary to know everything. So, if you don’t know the answer, make assumptions based on your knowledge of other areas or former experiences. Your response could be," I do not know the answer, but I have heard that it also works genuinely. therefore, I suppose it could be used in the following way." This way, the interviewer can get an idea of how you think and how you can solve problems.  
  • DevOps is a discipline that requires flexibility, adaptability, and creativity. One must continue learning and practicing exercises for complex problems that may arise daily.  
  • As an interviewee, it's also essential to exercise your interview skills to handle your nerves more and deal with any pressure you might witness.  
  • Last but not least, always be informed about the recent trends. The DevOps culture is growing at a breakneck pace, and you should be familiar with numerous new tools released daily. 

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