
How to configuring your Domain with Amazon Route 53?

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In the vast Internet geography, your domain name acts as your digital address. It's the first point of contact for users seeking your website or operation. To ensure users can painlessly find you, you need a robust Domain Name System (DNS) service to translate your domain name into an IP address computers understand. This is where Amazon Route 53 comes in—a largely available and scalable DNS service constructed for the ultramodern web.   

Configure Your Domain in Route 53 in Just 5 Simple Steps

Now, after getting a basic understanding of the mechanism that works behind Route 53. Let's start setting up your domain with Route 53. Following is a step-by-step guide to set up the domain. 

Log in to the AWS Management Console

Firstly, Go to the AWS Management Console ( and sign in with your AWS credentials.


Navigate to Route 53 Service

Within the console, search for" Route 53" in the search bar and select the service to access its main dashboard. 


Create a Hosted Zone

A hosted zone represents a virtual container for all your DNS records related to a specific domain. Click on" Create Hosted Zone" to initiate the creation process. 


Enter Your Domain Name

In the" Domain Name" field, enter the domain name that must be configured with Route 53. Ensure you bought the domain name from a domain register beforehand. 


Specify Zone Type (Public or Private)

Choose the applicable zone type based on your requirements. Public zones are for domains accessible to the internet, while private zones are for internal resources within your AWS Virtual Private Cloud( VPC). 

How to configure Route 53 By CLI

Step 1: Create a Hosted Zone

aws route53 create-hosted-zone --name --caller-reference $(date +%s)

Step 2: List Hosted Zones

aws route53 list-hosted-zones

Step 3: Get Hosted Zone ID

aws route53 list-hosted-zones --query "HostedZones[?Name==''].[Id,Name]" --output text

Step 4: Create an A Record

#Create a JSON file

  "Comment": "Creating A record for",
  "Changes": [
      "Action": "CREATE",
      "ResourceRecordSet": {
        "Name": "",
        "Type": "A",
        "TTL": 300,
        "ResourceRecords": [
            "Value": ""
aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id <hosted-zone-id> --change-batch file://create-record-set.json

Step 5: Create a CNAME Record

#Create a JSON file

  "Comment": "Creating CNAME record for",
  "Changes": [
      "Action": "CREATE",
      "ResourceRecordSet": {
        "Name": "",
        "Type": "CNAME",
        "TTL": 300,
        "ResourceRecords": [
            "Value": ""
aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id <hosted-zone-id> --change-batch file://create-cname-record.json

Step 6: Update Record Sets

  "Comment": "Updating A record for",
  "Changes": [
      "Action": "UPSERT",
      "ResourceRecordSet": {
        "Name": "",
        "Type": "A",
        "TTL": 300,
        "ResourceRecords": [
            "Value": ""
aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id <hosted-zone-id> --change-batch file://create-record-set.json

What is Online Navigation?

Before getting into the details of  Route 53, let us get a basic understanding of DNS. DNS functions like a big directory for the internet, rephrasing human-readable domain names (like (invalid URLs removed)) into IP addresses that can be read by machines (like When a user enters a domain name in their browser, a series of queries are initiated behind the scenes. 

 Online Navigation

Recursive Resolver

The user's computer first connects to its designated recursive resolver,  frequently handed out by their internet service provider( ISP). 

Root Nameservers

This resolver queries the root nameservers, the authoritative source for top-level domains (TLDs) .com or .org. 

TLD Nameservers

The root nameservers also direct the resolver to the nameservers responsible for the specific TLD. 

Authoritative Nameservers

Ultimately, the TLD nameservers point the resolver to the definitive nameservers for your domain, which hold the factual mapping between your domain name and its IP address (es).   Route 53 acts as your definitive nameserver, allowing you to outline how your domain name resolves and directs business. 

What are the Record Types in Route 53?

With your hosted zone in place, it's time to define how your domain resolves to different resources. This is achieved through Resource Record Sets, which specify the record type and the corresponding information. Route 53 supports an array of record types to feed various routing scenarios. 

A Record

This is the most fundamental record type, and it maps a domain name(e.g., to your web server's IPv4 address(e.g., 

AAAA Record

Similar to A records, but for IPv6 addresses, the next-generation internet protocol.

CNAME Record

Creates an alias for another domain name, directing business to the CNAME's target domain. 

MX Record

Pivotal for dispatch routing specifies the correspondence exchange servers responsible for handling incoming emails for your domain. 

NS Record

Used for delegation purposes, it points to the authoritative nameservers for a subdomain within your hosted zone. 

ALIAS Record

A Route 53-specific record type allows you to direct business to resources within Route 53 services, such as Amazon S3 pails or Amazon CloudFront distributions. 

Things You Should Know in Route 52

Route 53 Health Checks

For resources like Elastic Load Balancers, you can integrate Route 53 Health Checks to cover the health of your backends. Route 53 can also route business only to healthy cases within the load balancer. 

Weighted Routing

For resources like Elastic Load Balancers, you can integrate Route 53 Health Checks to cover the health of your backends. Route 53 can also route business only to healthy cases within the load balancer. 

Failover Routing

Configure failover routing to automatically deflect business to a secondary resource if your primary resource becomes unapproachable. 

By effectively exercising these record types and functionalities, you can produce a robust and flexible DNS configuration for your domain using Route 53. 

Integrating with Your Domain Registrar

Once you've created your hosted zone and configured record sets in Route 53, the final step is to modernize your domain register's settings to point your domain name to Route 53's nameservers. This process varies slightly depending on your register. Look for options to manage DNS records or nameservers within your register's control panel.   

Locate the nameservers handed by Route 53 for your hosted zone (set up on the hosted zone details page). You will generally need to replace the existing nameservers with these Route 53 nameservers. 


Configuring your domain with Amazon Route 53 empowers you to take control of your online presence. This companion has equipped you with the knowledge to produce colorful record types, integrate with your domain registrar, and maintain a robust DNS configuration. As you explore further,  influence Route 53's advanced features to optimize business inflow, enhance user experience, and ensure the flawless operation of your web operations and resources.  

Remember, a well-configured DNS is the foundation for a dependable and accessible online presence. With Route 53, you have the tools and knowledge to build a solid digital domain foundation. 

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