
What is the Difference Between DevOps and Agile?

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A survey report in 2018 revealed that 91% of pollee indicated their organization had endorsed Agile methodology. On the other hand, a survey shows that almost 80% of answerers believed in the importance of DevOps, with nearly half considering it to be vital. Both methodologies aim for efficiency, but Agile and DevOps diverge in their core principles, practices, and target areas, necessitating a deeper understanding of their fundamental distinctions.

Key Differences Between Agile and DevOps

Agile and DevOps aim to improve software delivery, but they diverge in their fundamental philosophies and areas of emphasis. Agile is focused on continuous development processes and cross-functional collaboration and emphasizes recurrent delivery of working software. On the other hand, DevOps connects the development and operation teams, encouraging collaboration, shared responsibility, automating tasks, and constant integration and deployment. 

Scrum and Kanban, which are the frameworks of agile, promote flexibility and gradual progress, whereas DevOps goes beyond development to organize the entire software development lifecycle with automation and ceaseless monitoring. Let's dive deeper into the definitions, ideologies, and contrasting differences between these two.

What is Agile?

Agile is a software development methodology that aims at adaptability, collaboration, and rapid delivery of software products. In this, the cross-functional teams and stakeholders come forward to develop the required software.

The agile model showcases its ability to swiftly respond to the evolving requirements and feedback of the customers. A survey of Italian companies revealed that 30 percent of them use Agile at the enterprise level to enhance speed, adaptability, and flexibility. About 80 percent of the respondents claim to have either used or implemented the technology in successive years.

Core Principles of Agile

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation.
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.
  • Responding to change over following a plan.

Important Agile Frameworks and Practices


An iterative and incremental framework for building complex software projects that is based on cross-functional teams, short sprints, and constant improvement.


A visual workflow management system that focuses on minimizing work-in-progress and aiding in continuous delivery.

Extreme Programming:

 A collection of procedures that prioritize pair programming, continuous integration, and frequent releases. 

What is DevOps?

The words Development and Operations are combined to form the term DevOps.It is a set of procedures that aims to reduce the duration of the software development life cycle. 

Key Features of DevOps


It provides a medium for shared responsibilities and continuous improvement between the development and operation teams.


It aims to automate tasks to enhance efficiency and reduce man-made errors. The tasks include the deployment of codes, testing, and monitoring.

Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

DevOps promotes the automation of tests and deployment processes to ensure the rapid delivery of software. It also includes the regular integration of code corrections into a shared repository.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Infrastructure is used as code. It manages the computing resources efficiently by using version control and automation tools. 

Continuous Monitoring and Feedback Loops

It monitors applications and infrastructure in production environments. The feedback loops aid in swiftly identifying and fixing the problems. These procedures improve the rate of customer satisfaction.

Contrasting Differences between Agile and DevOps





Its key focuses are software development processes, iterative planning, and continuous software deployment.

It encourages the collaboration of the Development and Operations team. It focuses on automating the entire software delivery pipeline.


It has four key principles: Working software, reactive development, people, and customer development.

It has five main principles: collaborative culture, automation, measuring, lean principles, and sharing.

Team Structure

It emphasizes creating cross-functional development teams. The team comprises a Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Developer.

It breaks the barriers among the different teams, especially development and operations teams. This results in better collaboration across the entire software delivery lifecycle.


Utilizes Agile frameworks such as Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming. It emphasizes Daily Stand-up meetings and feedback loops.

It incorporates continuous integration, continuous delivery, automation, and infrastructure as code.

Pace of Delivery

Delivers software in short sprints, usually lasting for 2 to 4 weeks.

Promotes continuous delivery of software with automated deployments.

Feedback Loops

Incorporates feedback loops through monitoring, customer suggestions, and Sprint reviews.

Incorporate feedback loops through constant monitoring, automated testing, and efficiency.


The metrics of agile comprise a team of velocity, burndown charts, and fulfillment of customers.

The metrics of DevOps comprise deployment frequency, lead time for changes, mean time to recover, and rate of failure. 

Areas of focus

It keenly focuses on Software Development.

It extends its hands-on End-to-End business solutions and fast delivery.

Team skill set

The Agile methodology demands that all the team members have a wide variety of similar and equal skills.

DevOps aims to divide and conquer the skill set between the development and operation teams.


It results in finer application suites that satisfy the client’s requirements. Its flexibility allows numerous changes and integration during the project’s lifespan.

It produces software with high quality and automation. This demands the Developers to possess the best coding and Architectural practices to maintain quality standards.


The popular Agile tools are Jira, Asana, Trello, & Kanboard.

The popular DevOps tools are Kubernetes, Terraform, Docker, Puppet, & AWS.


It focuses on building quality working software over comprehensive documentation. This results in having sufficient documentation.

It emphasizes comprehensive documentation. The documentation is often found in the form of infrastructure, such as Code and automated scripts.


Software development methods have evolved since the 2001 Agile Manifesto.

It emerged as a cultural movement and set of procedures in the late 2000s. It was created by the need for better collaboration between the development and operations teams.


Future Trends Scenarios for Agile and DevOps


  • Increased adoption of hybrid models.
  • AI-powered tools for better decision-making.
  • Scaling frameworks for enterprise agility.


  • Higher integration with cloud-native technologies.
  • Greater use of DevSecOps.
  • Emergence of NoOps.


Agile and DevOps software development but differ in the target areas, team structures, practices, and principles. By integrating the iterative approach of Agile and the automated delivery pipelines of DevOps, we can unlock new levels of efficiency and agility.

With advancements in software innovation, it’s high time to embrace the blooming technologies.

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