
What is Kubernetes?

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At present, companies are focusing on how to develop and manage their applications more efficiently and swiftly. That is where Kubernetes is beneficial — it facilitates the application deployment and management procedures for organizations. Google was the initial developer of Kubernetes, but it was later given to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). 

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation revealed that AWS is used to run nearly 63% of Kubernetes workloads. According to Statista, in 2022, about 60% of companies adopted Kubernetes.

What Is Kubernetes   

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that streamlines the container management process. Also called K8s, you can use this software to regulate container technology. In simple terms, it is capable of automating the deployment, scale, and operation processes of application containers. 

With Kubernetes, you can start, run, create a schedule, and stop containers. Kubernetes reduces numerous manual procedures that are associated with manual deployment and scaling of containerized applications. When using containers for regulating containerized applications, complexity, management, and scalability are the major challenges — which can be solved by using Kubernetes.

With Kubernetes, it is possible to run any kind of containerized applications utilizing the same tools in the cloud and on-premises. You can deploy Kubernetes on a user-selected infrastructure, which can be Cloud servers, in-house or third-party services, such as Azure AKS, AWS EKS, and many more. 

What Is Kubernetes On AWS 

Kubernetes is quite sophisticated, which is why there are plenty of managed Kubernetes services that handle the management and operations of Kubernetes. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers various methods that streamline the workflows of Kubernetes: 

Amazon Fargate: It is a serverless service that you can use to operate without having to regulate the root server infrastructure.

Amazon EKS: It is also known as Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). With this, you do not have to regulate Kubernetes master instances. 

Amazon ECR: It is also known as Amazon Elastic Container Registry. This is where you can easily store, regulate, and encrypt the images in the container in order to streamline quick launch.

What Are The Core Concepts Of Kubernetes  

Here are the primary concepts of Kubernetes: 


A container can be defined as a separate package or a single application that features everything required to run the software — such as runtime, code, settings, libraries, and system tools. It operates solely as a self-contained environment and application. Containers do not depend on each other and remain isolated from the host system, which is why they are compact and uniform. 


In simpler terms, the machine that is responsible for running pods is a node, and it is the Kubernetes ecosystem’s tiniest unit. Nodes can be either virtual or physical servers, and they run the workloads after a container runtime has been installed. 


A Kubernetes cluster can be defined as a set of worker machines or computing nodes that are responsible for running containerized applications. To put it simply, a cluster is a group of nodes and they offer high-end scalability, redundancy, and availability. The primary components of a cluster are nodes and a control plane. Once you deploy Kubernetes, it means you are operating a K8s cluster. 


In the Kubernetes ecosystem, the deployable unit is known as the pod. A pod may include either one or more than one container, but every pod will have a different IP address. In every pod, the containers share networking, storage, and other system resources. Containers that are present in a pod are not isolated and dependent on each other. 

Other core components of Kubernetes include ingress, services, labels, selectors, replica set and deployment, and namespaces. 

How Kubernetes Works 

Kubernetes controls a group of clusters and creates schedules for containers that will operate on the cluster. The schedule is created depending on the accessible compute resources and the system resource needs of every container. 

Then, containers are operated in systematic groups known as pods. It is possible to group one or more than one container and operate it as a pod. The control plane software component will plan where and when to operate the pods. In addition, it also controls the traffic routing and scales the available pods depending on the parameters you set. 

After considering the resource needs, Kubernetes will automatically run pods on the cluster. However, if they fail, it will restart the pods automatically without any manual intervention. Every pod will have a different IP address and a DNS name. They can be used to connect the services together or with external traffic.

Top 5 Benefits Of Kubernetes AWS 

Kubernetes is widely used by organizations, regardless of their size, for managing the deployment and management of applications. There are plenty of benefits of Kubernetes on AWS, which include: 

Open-source community 

As Kubernetes is an open-source platform, it has a huge developer and user community that enriches the software. In addition, you can find help guides and other support resources easily.


You can operate Kubernetes anywhere, including private cloud, bare metal, public cloud, and even on numerous public clouds. You can run it on cloud infrastructure and even on physical machines. 

Full Control 

Another major benefit of Kubernetes on AWS is that you can have full control over your servers. Other cloud providers do not let you have complete control over your servers.


If you have any sensitive workloads, you can run those clusters in a private cloud on-premises. Meanwhile, the normal workloads can be run in the public cloud. 

Security and resources 

Kubernetes on AWS offers plenty of security features to ensure the safety of the containerized applications. It is also known for ensuring that the available resources are utilized per the resource requirements.

Wrapping Up 

Kubernetes makes it easy to deploy and manage your applications. It eliminates common challenges like scalability, flexibility, and availability. Kubernetes is compatible with different types of container technologies. Using Kubernetes improves the efficiency and reliability of the applications and also enhances overall productivity.

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